Only the arch remains of the Puerta de Elvira. It is located at the foot of the hill and was the former entrance to the city of Granada. Today it is the perfect starting point to visit the district. Below lies the Plaza de San Gil, which was known as the Plaza de Hatabin or Plaza de los Leñadores during the time of the Moorish occupation. It was a hive of activity during this period, as it was a meeting point between the city and the outskirts and the medinas on the opposite bank of the Río Darro.
When you enter the Albaicín for the first time you will soon see that it is a lively area full of splendid moments that tell the history of Granada. Little is known of its first settlers, as there are hardly any traces of its Iberian or Roman past. However, the traces of the centuries of Moorish occupation can be easily recognised, not only in the buildings, but also in the aroma of jasmine that fills the streets, the Moorish gardens dotted around the area, the typical houses of this district (called cármenes) and the style in which the houses are decorated.