continuing education
Continuing Education refers to training activities developed to improve both the skills and qualifications of professionals in training and the retraining of professionals. Continuing Education is also understood as all learning activity undertaken throughout life with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences within a personal, civic, social or employment-related ambit. This is something that AGIFODENT provides.
The concept of lifelong learning, breaks with traditional ideas. With its implementation the conventional difference between “education” and “training” and the traditional division of human life into three stages( school, work and retirement), becomes meaningless.
Continuing training is primarily aimed at achieving the following objectives:
- Strengthen the skill level of professionals in different sectors, thus avoiding stagnation in skill levels, thus inproving their professional lives.
- Addressing the specific needs of organizations and companies.
- Improving the competitiveness of the institutions and companies.
- Promoting the development of new economic activities.
The Continuing Education Strategy not only aims to provide economic benefits, but also intends to provide individuals with the skills required to become actively involved in a complex and ever-changing society. Continuing Education allows individuals to update their knowledge, and is relevant at all points of life to all people.